Enrichment Classes:
Enrichment classes may be offered weekly at the center. The center will seek for programs that provide opportunities for the children to expand physically, culturally, intellectually, and socially. The Parent Information Board gives a list of those programs that are offered during center hours.
Hearing, Vision and Speech Screenings:
The Diagnostic Learning Resource System provides free vision and hearing screenings once a year for children 3 and over on site. Assistance is provided for children who may need additional services or screening. In order for your child to receive this free service, you must sign a permission slip that will be provided prior to the date of service. This free service is optional but we encourage all families that are eligible to take advantage of this opportunity.
We slowly integrate children into a new program and customize care and communication throughout the transition period. Parents will be given written notice when transitions will occur, the new classroom, the teacher's name and pertinent information.
Parent’s Night Out:
Traditionally Kreative Kids provides a night out to parents at least once a month. During Parent’s Night Out, children may stay at the center from 4:00pm-9:45 pm. for an additional fee of $50 per child (1 sibling welcomed). Children will be provided with dinner, games and activities. A minimum of ten (10) children must be signed up the Thursday before in order for us to be able to host the event. NO CANCELLATIONS are allowed once you sign up. If you cancel, the fee will be charged to your account. Saturday shopping days will also be announced during the holidays.
Haircuts: (Coming Soon)
Once a month, a professional hairstylist comes to the center and provides this service for families. The charge is $20.00 cash.
Professional Pictures
Several times a year, a professional photographer comes to photograph the children. They provide families with many purchasing options. The types of pictures taken include School Day, Fall, Holiday (Christmas), Spring, and Graduation.
Classroom Activities:
Our staff is always searching new ways to enhance the development of the children. They also look for ways to invite and involve the families in this endeavor. They may ask for volunteers to do story time or to pass out treats during festivals. They also provide sign-up sheets for families to join in by providing materials needed for a nutritious cooking activity or for helpers during one of our special presentations. This is all done in effort for us to build a strong partnership in your child’s education not only academically but socially as well.
Summer Camp:
We offer an exciting Summer Camp here at Kreative Kids every year during the months of June, July and August depending on the upcoming School Year Schedule.
Water play and sprinkler activities are a big part of summer camp. Water play activities take place once a week for Infant, Toddler, and Two’s classes and twice a week for all Preschool and Pre-K classes. Parents are to provide sunscreen, towel, shorts/pants, shirt, underwear, socks, shoes, beach bag/backpack, and a plastic bag for wet items. It is mandatory that all of the children in the Infants, Toddlers, Two A, and transitioning children into Two B classes wear “Little Swimmers” underneath their swimwear for Health and Safety reasons.
Each week includes fun filled learning activities. Children will enjoy summer mornings learning new songs, making crafts, cooking, playing games, experimenting with science, and more. By allowing the children to experiment and explore using a variety of materials and supplies, this promotes creative thinking and nurtures the imagination.
For children in Preschool C, PKA and PKB, we offer weekly field trips to places all over the Nashville area to include Movie Theatre, Bowling, Science Museum, YMCA and a host of other activities.